Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Not-So Lucky

Since we got to Siem Reap the word lucky is everywhere. Lucky Market, Lucky Restaurant, Lucky the name.... We got a red string tied around our wrist by a monk and we were told it was lucky. Our Tuk Tuk drivers name was Lucky.
Maybe they weren't clear on what kind of luck it was.
Yesterday morning was amazing. We got picked up by Lucky at 8am, and went to the Angkor Wat site. Our first visit was a smaller temple but the relief work was amazingly intricate. I can't remember the name at the moment but.... it was really great. Then we headed to a very quiet temple I also cannot remember the name of. BUT the last temple we went to is called Tah Prohm and it was probably my favourite next to the Bayon at Angkor Thom. There were massive trees growing over the stone work. Really amazing.
Then it was about 12:30 and we decided to go back home. We hopped in our Tuk Tuk with smiles on our faces. Unfortunately though, fate was at work. A stray dog ran in front of us and we hit it, then swerved and went into a very deep ditch. Probably 6-8 feet deep. It all seems so surreal. We are okay, I am just bruised up but Naomi had to get 8 stitches in her ear. We tried to have a sense of humour the whole way, but there were moments when we got upset. I think we handled it very well and we encountered an amazing amount of kind people that helped us along the way.
Unfortunately we have no idea how Lucky and his Tuk Tuk faired. Because that is his support system we are very worried about him. No one could have stopped what happened, and we are actually extremely lucky (guess the red yarn did work) that we didn't get hurt worse. The mud in the ditch kind of broke our fall. Unfortunately Naomi took the brunt of it all, whereas I kind of got thrown into the mud. But we still have high spirits.
So, instead of taking a 14 hour bus ride home we are flying. Which is a relief.
I want to send a universal thank you to all the people who helped us, and send well wishes to Lucky and hope he and his Tuk Tuk are in one piece.
We also would like to say that our impression on Cambodia and Angkor Wat hasn't been coloured by this experience. We are so glad that we were able to see everything and had an amazing time.
Pictures to come later. Actually, in a state of shock I took a picture of our turned over Tuk Tuk, so we will post that just to better explain. I don't exactly know what my thought process was in that moment, I think I was mostly trying to see if my camera worked.
Will write more later. Love to our friends and family!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are safe! Also glad that your camera still works Kim.
    Love you,
