So, its been a while since I wrote on this here blog. But it was this time last year that we were gearing up for our trip, so needless to say I've been very nostalgic about all that is South East Asia.
Not to say that I haven't had other adventures since our "Awfully Big Adventure" and I've actually started up a new blog. It kind of felt like I was cheating on this blog... but really, I'm not. Okay? Two completely different blogs set up for two (sort of) different reasons! Shameless blog advertisement, click here if you want to read about any of my current adventures. Please note my apparent lack of creativity with titling another blog with a Peter Pan reference. Actually, I think Naomi titled the last one. Yep, pretty sure.
So, almost one year ago we were heading to Vietnam. Where was my head at? I think I was probably wondering how many pairs of underwear I should bring. Also, worrying about the arrival of my credit card. OH and I was slinging deli meat, trying to make enough cheese (heh deli jokes) to spend in 'Nam. I was also arguing with myself if I should bring a sweater or not. Which, turns out I should have.
I miss my students. I received an email a while back from the girl I tutored. It was very sweet and very short. "Hi Miss Kim, its your student, Jolie! I miss you." warmed the crevices of my heart.
I have also been wondering lately if I should go back to Vietnam after graduation. I loved it and I know I could be successful there... So maybe?
I've learned so much in terms of HOW to teach this past year. What with actually being in the teaching program and all.
Anyways, mostly I just wanted to say I MISS THE FOOOOOOOOOD. A lot. Not the traffic. Oh, and the clothes. And the price of living. And the people.
Ah, Nam.
Oh, another shameless advertisement, I've made many of my Vietnam pictures into cards and am also selling them as prints. Click here if you are falling for my oh so subtle hints. You could buy them too, because then maybe I can afford to go back to Vietnam... Just have to sell 600 cards.....
Heh. Anyways, goodnight Neverland!
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