Getting all the information needed for a passport application is like participating in a very difficult, very frustrating scavenger hunt. I've currently accumalated two passport photos (which are not cute), the information of two people who have known me forever, a copy of my drivers license and my care card and signed my signature about a million times. I still have to find my birth certificate (does my Mom have it, or my Dad?) and get my friend Nick to be my gaurantor. Luckily the passport folks have eased up on the gaurantor rules. It used to be that you needed someone who was a doctor or a teacher or a government official to be your gaurantor. Now it just has to be a person who has a passport and is over 18 years of age. But they have to sign a bunch of stuff and generally prove that I am who I say I am. Because I am, in fact, Kim.
I really really hope that I dot all my i's and cross all my t's. I want to do this passport business right the first time so that it only takes the estimated 10 days to process. If I mess something up it could potentially go very badly. Every time I talk to someone about this whole passport business I get "Boy, you sure are leaving this late. It took me five months to get mine"... I obviously don't have that option. But I hope actually going down to the passport office will cut out a lot of the time and confusion.
I found out today that my brother has been trying very dilegently to order me my very own set of poi! He had some mishaps. So, he told me what he has been trying to do and now he is teaming up with Naomi in order to get me a set! I have chosen LED Glow Sock Poi.

These are them... I'm very excited. Even though Corey told me about my present before it came, it was still a big surprise. He is kind of a good brother. Now I am going to have to find him something really excellent from Vietnam for his birthday, since I'm missing it and all.
Well, that is all I got. Tootles.
I think you have a great and thoughtful brother. Worst case scenario you can buy another birth certificate but that takes time...stupid bureaucratic bullshit.