Yesterday Naomi and I got our offers of employment. It was all peachy-keen, but we found out that we won't be getting paid in US dollars as previously expected. Instead we will be getting paid in Vietnamese currency. This is fine, we just have to make sure we exchange our money in Vietnam, as we won't be able to when we return home.
This is the funny (immature) part. Vietnamese money is called.... DONG. Heh. So last night when Naomi and I went out for dinner with a group of friends the dong jokes ensued. I kept saying "I will be paid in BILLIONS OF DONG" and "DONG FOR EVERYONE". Like I said, incredibly mature and completely lady like.
This is the funny (immature) part. Vietnamese money is called.... DONG. Heh. So last night when Naomi and I went out for dinner with a group of friends the dong jokes ensued. I kept saying "I will be paid in BILLIONS OF DONG" and "DONG FOR EVERYONE". Like I said, incredibly mature and completely lady like.
I am sitting in front of my computer laughing right now, that is how awesome I am.
So, in honour of all of this hilarity, here is a lovely picture I title: Fist full of dong. If any family members are reading this....... yeah I'm not even sorry. It is too funny.

You = very awesome.