The excited students in my bus. This was before we left and before the volunteer realized he had forgotten to pack us water.
This was our Vietnamese guide who spoke only Vietnamese to the dismay of my Chinese, French, Russian, Korean and other English speaking students. Given that our school has an English-only policy this was a little vexing. My student, Quan, turned to me after I took this picture and asked "Oh, Ms Naomi are we allowed to take pictures?" "I think she say we no take pictures." I was a little bit past the point of caring so I said "I don't know Quan, I can't understand anything she is saying." "If she tells me to stop taking pictures I will."
This is a group of confused looking students.
On the left you can see Nghi one of my Vietnamese students enjoying the tour. On the right you can see Joanne, my French student looking totally confused and a little annoyed.
Chau in some tiny hut thing. I don't know if he was allowed up there or what the hut was for but there he is.
Yo-yo playing with a wooden thing that pounds seeds.
The field trip was not the very best ever. My vegetarian student couldn't eat the lunch the school sent us because it was a meat stew.We had a two hour trip there and then another two hour trip back, with no water. There were language problems, scheduling problems, motion-sickness, and our volunteers needed to be volun-told what to do. Many students puked and fun was not had by all.
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