There are some of the boys there. After a bunch of the kids got tired, they discovered a new fun game called "pressure the teachers into rockclimbing"....... That is right, I got bullied into rockclimbing by a bunch of 10 year olds. Not that it wasn't fun, but I had issues with the possibility of making a fool out of myself in front of my coworkers and my students. And, my bum is large.
I actually made the picture of me climbing small on purpose as to minimalize the enormity that is my butt. Ms. Jamie climbed as well, she (unlike me) made it to the top. But she is the gym teacher, so I'm not so bothered. I did make it quite near the top (as seen in said large bottomed picture) but my arms staged a mutiny. They decided Ms. Kim was done. And I didn't really feel like taking the 10 minute rest to recooperate up at the top with all the kids looking at yelling at me. So, I decided that the summit of the mountain was meant for me another day. However I believe I made up for it by pretending to be spiderman on the way down.
So, you may think that would be a good spot to finish up this post. But you forget, the weekend has already happened! And what a weekend it was! I spent just so much money. A ridiculous amount really. We went to Hoi An and I went shopping crazy.

What? I haven't posted on the blog in like a week? That can't be right........ So much happened! And I love talking (even if it is writing) so why wouldn't I chronicle my adventures daily?
I do have a fairly valid reason I suppose. I'm essentially working two jobs and travelling all over the Vietnam countryside. However, I still feel guilty that I have neglected to update all you avid readers. I'm still not entirely convinced that people are reading this, despite the solid proof provided by the followers and commenting.... I think I must just have broken brain and don't understand why people would read our silly little blog. Although Vietnam is awesome... So I guess it makes sense...
I'm talking in circles. Awesome.
So it is Monday. The last Monday I will spend at the CIS summer camp. I'm starting to get a bit sad about it all. Considering these kids are kind of awesome. There are a few that I know I will never forget.... Oscar, Tom, Keanu, Wella, Hannah, My Dung.... The list goes on and on. There are a few that like to try my patience, but I'm sure as soon as I'm finished my contract I will be all nostalgic and miss those little buggers too.
So, Thursday we went rockclimbing! Which was actually awesome. The beginning was a little stressful as once again there was organizational problems, but I've grown accustomed to such things now (I'm a seasoned teacher, don't you know..... heh.) and basically just rode it out until we got to the rock climbing site.
So it is Monday. The last Monday I will spend at the CIS summer camp. I'm starting to get a bit sad about it all. Considering these kids are kind of awesome. There are a few that I know I will never forget.... Oscar, Tom, Keanu, Wella, Hannah, My Dung.... The list goes on and on. There are a few that like to try my patience, but I'm sure as soon as I'm finished my contract I will be all nostalgic and miss those little buggers too.
So, Thursday we went rockclimbing! Which was actually awesome. The beginning was a little stressful as once again there was organizational problems, but I've grown accustomed to such things now (I'm a seasoned teacher, don't you know..... heh.) and basically just rode it out until we got to the rock climbing site.
My kids were so cute. It was actually the girls that made it to the top, and two at that. The boys were awesome for other reasons. For example: David: "If we die we get 10, 000 dollars. I'm going to fake it and then get the money." Oscar replied: "I know a guy". Sometimes it is difficult for me to keep my composure. And I'm not ashamed to say I lose it on a regular basis. Another one was Tom: "If we die today Rockclimbing, we die in GLORY!"

Hoi An is insanely beautiful. It is like the Vietnamese Cowichan Bay whereas Ho Chi Minh is like Vancouver. Hoi An is known for its tailors, laterns and shoe making shops. All of which I decided to let ransack my wallet. I needed a bit of retail therapy though, so I'm not feeling too guilty. Anyways, I got a jacket made. It is purple. Then I got 2 shirts, a pair of pants, a pair of boots and a pair of gladiator sandals.... made. Custom fit. To me. And I'm all kinds of special with my large legs and small waiste. So Hoi An definitely has Kim's stamp of approval. The gladiator shoes are a thing of beauty. So are the shirts. Hand embroidered. In a night! THEY DID IT IN A NIGHT! It would take me like.... ten years to do what they did, and it would turn out all one sided and wonky. I was so impressed. I'm currently looking at boyfriend blazers and vests and shorts that I can get made here as well.....
I can't stop. I'm sick in the head. I've caught the tailor fever.
Also, in Hoi An there are these things called cyclos. Now, if any of you know what a cyclo is you are probably thinking in your head "Naomi and Kim, we told you not to get into any more rickety vehicles" but seriously, these aren't as bad as Tuk Tuks. They go slow because they aren't engine powered. Although, this proves to be a whole different experience, especially when the cyclo driver starts peddling up a slight incline and starts huffing and puffing behind you. Makes you feel like a fatty mcfat fat. But I'm still glad we did it. And it wasn't extremely terrifying, unless you count the time one of the cyclos almost barrelled over an old man. Here is a picture of me on a cyclo. I'm sweaty and red (it was up to like 37 degrees with 100% humidity or something insane like that) but I'm happy as seen by the look on my face.

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