We have had quite the week in Ms. Kim's class. Monday the students had swimming, Wednesday the kids had bowling and today (Thursday) was field trip day. Everything went relatively well, and the kids seem to be having a lot of fun. "Ms. Kim, when are we going bowling?" "Ms. Kim, bowling is in 23 minutes" "MS. KIM I GOT EIGHT PINS DOWN"..... Needless to say, the level of enthusiasm has been high all week. "Ms. Kim can you come swimming with us next week?".... I guess that means they like me? I don't know if I'm teaching them anything worth while, but I'm trying really hard. Drama is going well, we have scratched the Lorax idea and have decided to do Munsch instead. Why you ask? Well, try saying "miff muffered moof" and "Thneeds are a wonderful thing that everyone needs"...... English is often challenging enough, Dr. Suess language is even kookier than English. Anywho, we keep powering through and hopefully the plays will be something the kids can be proud of doing. I made a nice long speech to the students about how when I play goes badly it isn't really the director that looks bad, but the people who are on stage. Not entirely true considering Naomi and I are these kids teachers and the parents definitely know who we are.... but true enough that it lit a fire under their buttockseses. Anywho, I'm exhausticated what with all the teachin and learnin I've been doing lately, so I'm going to bed. BUT tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!! Friday Friday Friday! We are going to the Saigon night market tomorrow night and Saigon Kitch. Saturday is up in the air at the moment but then Sunday Valerie and I travelling up the Mekong Delta. Very exciting and I'm sure I'll take way too many pictures. Speaking of pictures! Oh my gosh, here some are!

These are my class on the field trip when we saw the puppet show. They weren't that interested in it because they had seen it so many times, but Ms. Kim really enjoyed it. That is what matters, right?

Look! My class! And my kick ass co-teacher Ms. Thuy.

Okay these pictures are of bowling day. This is BeeDah. I know we aren't supposed to have favourites (so keep this a secret) but this kid is definitely one of mine. Just look at that smile! This is after he got a gutter ball. Bee Dah don't let gutter balls get him down. This kid shares with others, is nice to girls and gives me candy every field trip we take. I may have to steal him.

Tom is an awesomely awesome kid who is buddy buddy with our pal Oscar. He is pretty cool, and speaks English really well. He likes to give me a bit of trouble though.

The beautiful ladies looking all sophisticated.

Stoked on bowling.

Ah, the boys. Lookin not so sophisticated, but definitely excited.

More ladies!

I put this picture in because a) it is funny and b) the girl in the middle is trying to lift a 15 pound bowling ball. The majority of bowling balls were 13-15 pounds. Now, when I bowled (yes, I'm a loser) I had a 9 pound ball. And I wasn't a wimp (at least when it came to bowling) so you can understand why 15 pound balls are silly. But, I'm not complaining because hey, this is in the school. It is literally downstairs from my classroom. Beside the cinema. You can see the pools from the door. Still can't really get over that. Anywho, like I said it is bedtime now. Well, after I shower because it was hot at the park we went to after the water puppets today. So I is stinky...... Too much information probably, but quite often the case in this country.
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