Saturday, July 30, 2011

I Better Hurry Up and Title this Post So We Can Go To Dinner

There are many things about going home I am looking forward to. One, I see my family. This is very exciting. Two, I get to sleep in my own bed. A bed of which I've moulded to very particular specifications in order to achieve maximum comfort. Three, my friends. Apparently they have missed me, which is a good thing considering how much I have missed them. Four, I will be reunited with the Canadian countryside. Although Ho Chi Minh is very exciting and different and amazing, I am a rural kind of girl at heart.
There are many things I will miss about Vietnam. Numero uno, my students. I got attached to the little buggers in 4 weeks and I would like to be able to continue to teach them. Number two is the food. My mouth has experienced a tastebud revolution. Although sometimes my stomach is behind the times and likes to stage mutiny (probably too much information, but hey it happens to everyone) I will miss the delicious food very much. Three equals the cheap pedicures and manicures and leg waxing, all of which I got done today. Getting my legs waxed is cheaper than buying disposable razors in Canada. And I'm lazy, so having someone else take care of that situation is very nice. Also, my nails are full time fancy. Pictures to come. Four, I will miss experiencing new things every day. Vietnam has been a whirlwind of elements I haven't seen or done before. Honestly, I know it has changed me as a person. Don't worry though, I don't think I am any more mature.... Just more..... worldly? Maybe?
It is hard to believe that we have been gone for 6 weeks. The day we left seems like it was both a long time ago, and only yesterday. This kind of dichotomy seems to be defining my mood right now. I want to go home, but I also want to stay. I feel like I've been here a very short time, and a very long time.....
Maybe I'm just weird in the head. I know Naomi thinks so.
Anyways, we are going to dinner at a Brazilian bbq. Then I have to do some packing. I have many other things to blog about... pretty nail art, scooter rides, the end of CIS summer camp... All of these things to come. But right now food is my number one priority.
Plus Naomi is being very pushy and making me finish my blogpost right this second. I suppose I'll miss being here with her in Vietnam. Don't tell her that though. She might use my friendly affection against me.

1 comment:

  1. You make me sound like a big meanie. I just wanted to go for dinner because I was hungry. I was starving as you were writing your magnum opus...wasting away...
