Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pokemon Snap

Okay ladies and gents, so I sometimes like to fart around with my camera. One day I was bored and created a website for my pictures. Whilst in Vietnam, it will be easier for me to upload my pictures onto my website rather than facebook as the Vietnamese frown upon the book that is face. So, here is the link http://www.wix.com/kp_photography89/pictures feel free to take a gander. Don't expect anything too glorious though. Although, Vietnam is pretty freaking cool on its own so maybe my pictures will be fantastic purely because the shots I take will be of a wickedly awesome location.
Also, saw one of my favourite highschool teachers today. She was so excited for everything that is taking place in my life that it made me kind of take a look at what has been happening and realize how lucky I am. Yes, often work sucks. Yes, I miss my Nana. Yes, money issues are stressful and sometimes planning is a pain in the seat (that is what my Nana used to call arse) but really, I'm going to Vietnam in two weeks. I'm graduating a week before then and I've been accepted into the program I've been working towards for the past four years.
So, I need to nut up or shut up. Put a smile on and be excited for the good stuff. VIETNAMMMM!
P.S. The Canucks are going to win the Stanley Cup. I'm probably going to bring my Canucks jersey and have a hockey lesson with the students. Not like a "this is how you play" lesson, more like this is what hockey is in Canada and this is what it means to me sort of thing. Because me trying to teach 20 odd children how to play hockey is just comical. Not much of an athlete. That is my brothers job.

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